Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Stunning shots of thirsty bats swooping down for a drink from garden pond.
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Monday, September 28, 2009


This afternoon while I was napping, a couple of seagulls started squabbling outside my window (pictured above). They bumped up against the window, squealing and raising such a ruckus that they woke me out of a sound sleep-- if it had been open they might have flown right in!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Last of Summer

This had to be the perfect summer. Like Berkshire summers of old. The temperature never got to 90 until about the middle of August. We went from a beautiful Memorial Day weekend to a beautiful Labor Day weekend. And the last weekend of summer -- just before the Autumn Equinox -- was a gorgeous fall weekend, cool and sunny, with a crystalline blue sky. Now, as September nears its close, we're starting to feel a chill in the air. Conditions are ideal for a spectacular foliage display this year, following the ample rains of spring and summer. The NY State Foliage Forecast predicts that peak foliage in New York City will occur around the last week of October.

While the weather here has been near classic, other parts of the country have not been so lucky. Texans for example, suffered through an unusually hot summer of temps in the high 90's. The state is now in a permanent drought. California cities stayed cool this summer, from San Francisco all the way down to San Diego. But they are having water problems in that state and now have a "permanent fire season". Speaking of which, Atlanta has been flooded with incessant, driving 24-hour rainfall for weeks, whereas last year they were in danger of running out of water.